Monday, December 19, 2011

Sharing is Caring

I can't believe that Christmas is in 6 days. Where did the year go? I'm pretty sure we were looking at all the lights at the botanical garden just last That was a year ago? Really?! My goodness.
So much has gone on this year, it's hard to believe some of it, but, what I will remember most from this year is how much time I got to spend with my family.  I have the coolest family in the world, in case you didn't know.  We're all so different - like puzzle pieces almost, & we fit together perfectly. It's hard to think that in eight short months, I'm going to be gone. Loving & embracing the people of Sudan instead of my family. I know that it's what God wants for me, but I also know that being so far away from all of my insane siblings & my parentals is going to be one of the hardest things for me to handle after I leave. Isn't it strange to think back 10 years? How we all expected our lives to turn out a certain way, & then here we are, 10 years later, living completely different lives than we were expecting. God is cool that way. I like surprises. I also like my family. A lot. Just in case you didn't catch that.
I pray you all have family to spend your holidays with. Share moments, pictures, love, & food with them. :)
Sharing is caring.


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