Friday, December 2, 2011

My Upcoming Adventure.

Africa. Africa. Africa. Africa. I can't stop thinking about it. It's where I'm headed, Lord-willing. I don't know what to expect at all except for a change. A change mentally, physically, emotionally, & above all else, SPIRITUALLY. The Lord has already started to prepare me. It won't be for about 9 more months roughly, but the Lord is doing incredible things. He has brought people, stories, movies, newspaper articles & so much, much more to my attention to further prepare me. He's showing me that's it's not all fun & games. Where I'm going is a land of famine, war, & death. Physically & spiritually. I can honestly say that I'm scared. Terrified almost. Because I don't know what God is going to do with me there. However, I do know that the Lord is faithful even when we are faithless. I know that He is going to completely supply my every need & I will be in His hands the whole time. I'm going to be safe. And, Lord, for that I'm so thankful!
If any of you are prayer warriors, I could really use it right now. As could the people of Sudan. And the folks of the world. And Barack Obama. Yes, especially him. Enough ranting for me... :) Goodnight, world. 

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