Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Who's Your Idol?

Timothy Richard Tebow. The man is a phenomenon. In my personal opinion, he's more than that. He's turning into an idol. People are basically bowing down at his feet. He might be good at football, but he ain't no Jesus. I hate how high up people are putting him. The higher up they put him, the further he will fall. I'm not saying he's going to stumble, I don't know his heart, but when the Broncos lose next week it's going to be another bash for the Christians.  I have a lot of respect for Tebow; don’t get me wrong, I just wish people wouldn’t idolize him so much.
It makes me wonder what/who else people are idolizing. Justin Bieber, maybe?
We, as Christians, need to turn our focus more on the Lord rather than men. I mean, how is it that we can go to a Denver Broncos game, or sit in front of the TV & watch a Denver Broncos game & scream our faces off, yell, cheer, go nuts, do cartwheels, spit at the TV, do whatever, & we don’t think twice about who’s watching, or what people think about us. In the game we don’t care. We let it all out. Cause we’re totally into supporting this thing. Or we go to a concert somewhere, & we don’t think twice about dancing, clapping, raising our hands, or screaming for the people that are performing for us. Or we watch movies that come from Hollywood & we invest ourselves emotionally, we weep, we cry, we laugh. But when it comes to worshipping the Almighty God….we turn silent. If we can do all those things in a secular context, which is meaningless! It’s here today & gone tomorrow, we won’t even remember who was starting for the Broncos 5 years from now. But WHERE is our passion for Almighty God when it comes to worshipping Him? Lifting up His name? Who else is worth being worshipped like that? Who else is worthy? Of our affection, our praise, our attention. Of our energy! There is nothing, & there is nobody who is worth it. Not even Tim Tebow comes close to our Lord. I don’t see him saving souls…I see him saving the Broncos butts, but not souls. He isn’t the Lord. I really wish people could see that. There’s my rant for the day. But, I beg you; please look at your hearts to see who you’re idolizing. I hope & pray it’s the Lord, & if it’s not….you got some ‘esplaining to do.

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